Talking on the sidelines of a territorial financial collaboration gathering on Friday, Lavrov (presented above, right) said the two nations needed to "set the right tone for the standardization of relations between the two nations." Ankara and Moscow and restart the "working gathering on counter-terrorism" and will take a shot at the advancement of interchanges alongside different channels ", including between the two multitudes of the two nations," considering the exercises of our aviation based armed forces, "he clarified.
"Critical not to permit Turkish domain to bolster terrorist associations in Syria," Lavrov included that Russia is likewise attempting to examine complex issues including.
He focused on his Turkish partner collaboration between the two nations.
"I can chat with Russia on each issue, positive or negative, in light of the fact that the discourse that had been lessened was restarted and started our arrival to past times worth remembering," CAVUSOGLU (presented above, left). The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan can travel to Sochi in August to meet with his Russian partner Vladimir Putin.
What's more, cut off relations between Moscow, which bolsters Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and Ankara, which backings Assad's adversaries, in the most recent year after Turkey brought down Russian plane flying close to the Syrian outskirt.
In a political column that took after, Putin, Erdogan blamed the benefit from the oil exchange with the illicit equipped "Islamic state" in Syria. Russia has likewise banned the offer of bundle visits to Turkey, the substance of a substantial hit to the tourism business in Ankara.
Not long ago, be that as it may, Erdogan sent a letter of statement of regret to Putin on Wednesday, Russian President called Erdogan passed on his sympathies for a suicide shelling on Tuesday at the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, in which 44 individuals were killed.
"Critical not to permit Turkish domain to bolster terrorist associations in Syria," Lavrov included that Russia is likewise attempting to examine complex issues including.
He focused on his Turkish partner collaboration between the two nations.
"I can chat with Russia on each issue, positive or negative, in light of the fact that the discourse that had been lessened was restarted and started our arrival to past times worth remembering," CAVUSOGLU (presented above, left). The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan can travel to Sochi in August to meet with his Russian partner Vladimir Putin.
What's more, cut off relations between Moscow, which bolsters Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and Ankara, which backings Assad's adversaries, in the most recent year after Turkey brought down Russian plane flying close to the Syrian outskirt.
In a political column that took after, Putin, Erdogan blamed the benefit from the oil exchange with the illicit equipped "Islamic state" in Syria. Russia has likewise banned the offer of bundle visits to Turkey, the substance of a substantial hit to the tourism business in Ankara.
Not long ago, be that as it may, Erdogan sent a letter of statement of regret to Putin on Wednesday, Russian President called Erdogan passed on his sympathies for a suicide shelling on Tuesday at the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, in which 44 individuals were killed.